💖3. Platform Features

3.1 Games and Raffles

Missor games and raffles are created using AI. Trivia questions are automatically generated by AI and sent to the telegram groups at the specified intervals.

3.2 Participant Registration

Participants can easily join contests by holding $MISSOR tokens and meeting other entry requirements.

3.3 AI-Powered Contest Algorithms

Advanced AI algorithms ensure fair and unbiased contest outcomes, minimizing human interference.

3.4 Prize Distribution

Smart contracts automatically distribute rewards to winners, eliminating manual processes and reducing fraud.

3.5 Reputation System

A reputation system enhances trust within the community, rewarding fair and active participants.

A gamification engine is built into the system to reward participants with the rewards. Refer to the Gamification section for more details on how the rewards are calculated for each contest.

3.6 Decentralized Oracle

An oracle system ensures real-world data accuracy for contests that rely on external data sources.

The source of the trivia questions generation are manually validated by humans. This process will be improved to use AI to select the authentic sources of knowledge base.