🪙2. Token Overview

2.1 Token Name and Symbol

The native token of the Missor platform is called $MISSOR, and its symbol is MISSOR.

Contract: 0x678F01a0379CFd82E743f8F7191643d0af067Bef

2.2 Token Standard

$MISSOR token is ERC-20 compliant, ensuring compatibility with Ethereum-based wallets and exchanges.

2.3 Total Supply

The total supply of $MISSOR tokens is capped at 1,000,000,000 MISSOR

2.4 Token Distribution

  • 0% Team allocation

  • 100% allocation in uniswap pool

2.5 Taxes

  • Buy - 0%

  • Sell - 0%

2.6 Contract

  • Contract renounced

  • Token Sniffer Rating: 100%

2.7 Price Stability

  • Certain percentage ( TBD ) of the contest entry is fee is burned on a regular basis

  • Burn contests - Once in a while we conduct burn contest and award prizes

2.8 Use Cases

$MISSOR tokens can be used for:

  • Contest participation fees.

  • Reward distribution to winners.

  • Governance and decision-making within the $MISSOR ecosystem.

  • Staking for additional rewards.

2.6 Governance

Token holders will have the ability to influence platform decisions through a decentralized governance system.